Habilidades no cognitivas a través de la implementación del proyecto Osoji-Japan en América Latina: La experiencia de su aplicación en una escuela pública en Perú
Las habilidades no cognitivas como actividades especiales juegan un papel esencial en la educación ciudadana, especialmente en Japón, donde las actividades diarias como limpiar las instalaciones, reciclar y ayudar voluntariamente a los maestros en las tareas diarias son pilares del aprendizaje no cognitivo.
I have been working for 10 years in Peru as a social science and foreign language teacher at Peruvian educative institutions. I have a M.A in International Studies and a Ph.D in International Development from Nagoya University-Japan. My research topics are regarding (1) Latin American Nikkei Migration in Japan; (2) Latin American International Students in Japan; and (3) Latin American-Japanese Education System: Overview of Socio Educative issues of their citizen.
Research Topics
- Latin American Nikkei Migration in Japan
- Latin American International Students in Japan
- Latin American-Japanese Education System: Overview of Socio Educative issues of their citizen.
Academic Background
- Ph. D. Graduate School of International Development (GSID) International Development
- (DID) Nagoya University (2016)
- Master of International Studies, N. University (2012)
Professional Experience
- Associate Professor, KGU University (2019~)
- Teacher, Nagoya University (2013-2019)
Research Interests
- Migration
- Education
Development of Japanese customs as citizenship formation in Latin America: Evaluation of the linkage between curriculum and practice of citizenship formation in Peruvian-Nikkei- and non-Nikkei-schools
KAKENHI Japan Society for the Promotion of Science JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant
MURATA Scholarship (2014)
MURATA Overseas Scholarship Foundation
JASSO Scholarship (2013)
Japan Student Services Organization
Teacher Trainning Program Scholarship (2006)
Japanese Govermment MEXT
Monbukagakusho Scholarship (2005)
Japanese Government MEXT
The Japan Foundation Scholarship (2004)
Japan Foundation
Academic Association
- Japanese Association of Hispanists
- Nipon, Spanish and Latin American Academic Confederation
- Japanese Association of Latin American Studies
- Wester Economic Association International (WEAI)
- The Japan Society for International Development (JASID)
- «Migration and settlement of first-generation Japanese-Peruvians and the educational challenges of second-generation Nikkei in Japan». Chapter in Education and Migration in the Asian Context. Ed. Jing Liu and Francis Peddie. (IN PRESS)
- 南米につながる子どもたちと教育. 平成26年(2014年) 8月10日.「牛田千鶴(代表者)他26名」 執筆部分は,ペルーと日本 (コラム「ペルーと日本の教育事情比較」)
Academic Papers
- Lagones, J. (2020). Hardships Experienced by Second-Generation Peruvian Migrant Workers in Japan: Interviews and Analysis. Journal of Inquiry and Research, 112, 125-142.
- Lagones, J.; Yanagida R. (2020). ELE学習者がコミュニケーションと文法の授業外学習において携帯電話でEdpuzzleを使用することの効果. Proceeding of the Ninth Kansaigaidai Class Activity Research Forum. Higher Education Research.
- Lagones, J. (2020). From Dekasegi to Immigrant: Achievement of First-and Second-Generation Nikkei Peruvian Family in Japan. Proceeding of Symbiosis with Foreign Workers. Imagenes de Iberoamerica, Kansai Gaidai University, 9, 6-12.
- Lagones, J. (2019). Academic and Daily Life Satisfaction of Monbukagakusho Scholarship Students in Japan: The Case of Peruvian as International Students in Japan. Asian Social Science, 15 (9).
- Lagones, J. (2016). Socioeconomic Characteristics of First-Generation Nikkei Peruvians Who Remained in Japan During and After the Lehman Shock (2009―2014). Forum of International Development Studies (国際開発研究フォーラム), No.47(1), pp.1-19.
- Lagones, J. (2016). Nikkei Peruvian First and Second Generations in Japan: Overview of Their Socio-Economic Issues After Lehman Shock. SRID Journal (リサーチ最前線),(11), SR-011-2017-07,pp 1-8.
- Lagones, J. (2015). Challenges of Nikkei Peruvian Second Generation in Japan: An Overview of Their Employment Status after the Lehman Shock 2008. Asian Social Science, 11(26), p.267.
- Lagones, J. (2014). Motivación de los estudiantes japoneses para el aprendizaje del español a través de la lectura del manga. Tradición, segunda época, (14).
- Lagones, J. (2007). Comparative Study from Social Studies Textbooks in Citizenship between Japan, England and Peru, Educational Research in Teacher – Training Program, 14, 247 – 367.
- Lagones, J. (2007). Comparative Study from Social Studies Textbooks in Citizenship between Japan, England and Peru.
京都教育大学, (14), pp. 247-367.
Lagones, J. (2016). Challenge of Nikkei Peruvians second generation in Japan after the crisis 2008: Characteristics of second young generation of Nikkei Peruvian and their differences in employment status. 日本ラテンアメリカ学会. 会報. No.119, pp.9.
- Lagones, J. (2016). Challenge of Japanese-Peruvian descendent families in the XXI century, Peruvian dekasegi in Japan: Overview of Socio Economic Issues of Nikkei (Doctoral dissertation, 名古屋大学). Nagoya, Japan.
- Lagones, J. (2012). La enseñanza del español en Japón: El cómic como estrategia de motivación a la lectura extensiva en ELE. N.University, Nagoya, Japan.
Oral Presentations
Las costumbres japonesas para la formación ciudadana en América latina: La educación de los peruanos nikkei y no nikkei
LXVI Congreso de la Asociación Japonesa de Hispanistas 2020 Kansai Gaidai University, Japan, October 2020.The Nikkei People in the Japanese Society
Center for International Affairs. Sophia Nanzan-Latin America Program (LAP). Universidad Nanzan, Japan, March 2020.日本における日系ペルー人の社会的流動性を克服するための障壁としての特異性
Japanese Association of Hispanics Congress LXV Takushoku Hachioji International Campus, Japan, December 2019.From Dekasegi to Immigrant: Achievement of First-and Second-Generation
Kansai Gaidai University Iberoamerican Research Center, Japan, November 2019.ELE学習者がコミュニケーションと文法の授業外学習において携帯電話でEdpuzzleを使用することの効果
Kansai Gaidai University Class Activity Research Forum (FD), Japan, October 2019.Características Básicas de los Ejes Transversales en las Escuelas Japonesas
Institución Educativa, Lima-Perú, August 2019.- The Nikkei People in the Japanese Society: The Case of Nikkei-Peruvians [Invited Talk]
南山大学. 21 March 2019.
- Benchmarking con los Valores Japoneses, Retos de la Educación en el Perú al 202
Antenor Orrego University UPAO-Trujillo-Perú. Lima-Perú, August 2019.
- Características del Sistema Educativo Japonés
Unidad de Gestión Educativa de Lima 07. Lima-Perú, August 2019.
The Quality of Life and Well-Being of Peruvians as International Students in Japan: The case of Peruvian Monbukagakusho Scholarship Students
WEAI 15th International Conference. Keio University. 24 March 2019.- The Nikkei People in the Japanese Society: The Case of Nikkei-Peruvians [Invited Talk]
南山大学. 21 March 2019.
- Vivencias de los becarios Monbukagakusho en las universidades japonesas Panorama general de los códigos sociales en Japón.
APJ (Asociación Peruano Japonesa). 16 March 2019. - The Nikkei People in the Japanese Society: The Case of Nikkei-Peruvians [Invited Talk]
南山大学. 21 March 2018.
- Resent research results about Nikkei. «The Peruvians in Japan»
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM.) 13 March 2017
Universidad de Lima. 14 March 2017
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). 15 March 2017.
Japanese Peruvian Association. 16 March 2017. - ペルーの文化について
名古屋大学大学院国際開発研究科(GSID)ホームカミングデー(名古屋大学). 15 October 2016.
- Challenge of Nikkei Peruvians second generation in Japan after the crisis 2008: Characteristics of second young generation of Nikkei Peruvian and their differences in employment status.
日本ラテンアメリカ学会,中部日本研究部会 研究会(名古屋大学). 13 December 2015.
Nikkei Peruanos residentes en Japón; después de la crisis mundial 2009-2014. ¿Por qué la familia Nikkei Peruana continua residiendo en Japón?.
CANELA (Confederación Académica Nipona, Española y Latinoamericana). XXVII Congreso (第27回会議). 16 May 2015.